White Fillings in Tijuana
White Composite Fillings in Tijuana
Latest Techniques
Certified Experts
White Fillings in Tijuana
2) The tooth that is to receive a white filling is numbed with local anesthetic. Prior to the injection a small amount of cherry
flavored topical is placed in order to prevent or reduce the pain associated with a dental numbing shot. Bartell Dental will
always try to deliver a pain-less shot to ease our patients because we care about you.
3) The dental drill is used to remove the decay or silver filling that wants to be replaced with a white filling. Here at Bartell Dental, we do not use silver fillings, ONLY WHITE FILLINGS. The picture immediately above shows a tooth with a silver filling and some teeth with major cavities. All three teeth need to be completely cleaned out before the white fillings can
be placed.
4) The immediately above picture shows the difference between a silver filling and a white filling. The final results are almost unnoticeable.
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Book An Appointment
Call: (619) 655-0273
Avenida Revolucion #1129 Suite 201 Tijuana, Baja California 22000